
vintage ceramic vessels collection

We are pleased to offer our pieces for rental.
The rental fee is 20% of the retail value of the item(s) for 5 days. Additional fees apply for longer rentals at a discounted rate. The rental period begins the day your order is delivered and continues for five calendar days including weekends and holidays. The rental period ends the day you ship or deliver the item(s) back to us.
If you would like to purchase any items, their rental charge may be applied to the purchase price.
All items are rented in "as is" condition. As our pieces are antiques or vintage they may show some age. We make every effort to clearly describe/show these signs in each listing.
You will be held responsible for the items in your care and charged the full price for any items which are damaged. 
Rental is only possible within Australia. Items are shipped using tracked and insured Parcel Post. Free shipping does not apply to rental items. Local delivery within Melbourne may be possible for an additional fee.
Rentals should be returned wrapped as they were received to avoid damage. Please reuse the packing material when possible. Return shipping/delivery fee is the client's responsibility and must be tracked and insured.
Please contact us with any further questions.